Grandparents: The Irreplaceable People In Our Lives

Grandparents: The Irreplaceable People In Our Lives
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Grandparents | 

In this era, children are less likely to connect with their grandparents. This might be happening because more parents are moving away from extended family, even going overseas for work or in search of a well-settled lifestyle.
They should know that having grandparents in life is such a blessing. Grandparents-grandchildren’s relationship is so beautiful. Living with them is fun, no one can pamper you as much as your grandparents do. In many cultures, they looked up to as a source of wisdom. Grandparents play an important role in our life, conveying wisdom, providing social and economic support to their families and grandchildren.

Nobody can do for small children what grandparents do. Grandparents kind of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little kids.


What I Have Learned From My Grandparents

I have enormously wonderful grandparents. My grandfather (Dadu 😍) is the most enthusiastic person I have ever seen in my entire life. You can’t believe how fluent English he can speak, no one can beat him in that. A thing that I have learned from him is that no matter at what age you are, never give up on learning and never know what you can learn from whom. A 10-minute conversation with him is like reading 10 newspapers and watching 10 news channels and reading some sophisticated, to the point material of immense knowledge. He knows incredibly a lot about a lot of stuff.
My grandmother is a considerably active and strong lady (at this age). She loves cooking (something she passes on to me which I am so grateful for). Whenever I feel bad or upset, she mimics me to make me laugh. She is the cutest. They share experiences, fun stories, and struggles that they had faced at a younger age. They relive their moments and share in ways as we have also traveled back to their time.  I love them quite anything within the world.
They say genes skip a generation, maybe that’s why grandparents find their grandchildren so likable. 

They Give Relationship Goals

You must have heard from people of their generation that they got married without even seeing each other (not my grandparents, they knew each other since their teenage) despite it they manage to keep their relationship long-lasting despite several fights and issues. They taught us about the real meaning of relationships. 
What children need the most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, passions, humor, comfort lessons in life. And most importantly cookies. 

It Is A Beautiful Thing

Grandparents have so much experience so they know how to live a better life. They are mentors for us. They give you wiser advice in any difficult situation and never let you take any wrong decision. They share some awesome moments about your parents that help you strengthen your relationship with your parents. It is also important to improve the health of the elderly, for a grandparent having their grandchildren around can keep them mentally healthy and engaged.
Some fathers who don’t love their children; There’s no grandfather who doesn’t adore his grandson     
  Victor Hugo

Aging Is Acceptable

Many children end up being prejudiced toward the elderly. From viewing them as meanie, feeble, or ignorant to simply finding them socially undesirable, some children grow up ignoring the grandparents and even ridiculing them. To improve social acceptance of aging. Reconnecting grandparents and grandchildren since their younger age is important.

Young people need something stable to hold on to — a cultural connection, a sense of their past, a hope for their own future. Most of all, they have what grandparents can give them.


Love Unconditionally

All grandparents love unconditionally, they have a unique connection with their grandchildren. There is no one kinder than grandparents who will spoil you with love, treats, gifts, and compliments. A healthy relationship with grandparents gives many benefits for children. They develop a sense of respect, compassion, and care for elders.
When a person touches your heart, They live forever in your soul.!!
Grandparents provide extra support that children need when their parents have to work, care for siblings, or just need a break. If you have a great relationship with your grandparents, you know what they add to your life. For children having grandparents around can be one of the greatest blessings. 
If you don’t live with your grandparents try to stay connected with them. They just wanted to feel loved the way they love you.
They are grandparents, A small part of  them live inside us!!
What is the cutest thing about your grandparents??
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12 responses to “Grandparents: The Irreplaceable People In Our Lives”

  1. What a sweet post! I unfortunately do not get to see my grandmother nearly as often as I would like to because I live in a different city, but the vibe she gives off is unmatched! Such a sweet spirit and general willingness to help others , sometimes even at the expense of herself.

  2. This was such a beautiful tribute to grandparents everywhere. So sweet. I am so grateful for the shining example my grandmother has been for me. She will be 96 this year!

  3. Beautiful post! We esp miss our kids grandparents as we are away in a different country and while we were growing up as kids we also lived away from our grand parents. Love the bond between them and unconditional love is the key!

  4. I have the best memories with my grandparents. At the moment my kids are lucky as their grandparents are not too far away, and one is just down the street!

  5. I only ever saw my grandparents at holidays as they lived miles away but I was so close to my gran. My boys lived on the same street as their nanny and the bond they shared was beautiful. We ended up moving 5000 miles away and that is my only regret. The love she has for them is beyond measure and covid restrictions meant we couldn't go visit this year which was heartbreaking. We're holding on so tight to these vaccines so we can go back and see her next year.

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